
Wednesday, May 07, 2003

# Posted 9:07 PM by Ariel David Adesnik  

X-MEN 2: Haven't seen it yet, but the reviews are pretty impressive. Jacob Levy has put up his thoughts on the film and on the X-Men general. Matt Yglesias liked the movie as well, but has decided to make fun of Jacob Levy for knowing too much about comic books.

Kevin Drum was less enthusiastic, saying the movie was good "if you're partial to that kind of thing." Which is like telling your gay friends they should see the newest Jenna Jameson flick "if they're partial to that kind of thing." But I guess Kevin is partial (to the X-Men, not Jenna), since he was geeky enough to criticize Professor X for having inadequate security systems installed at X-Men headquarters.

One last thing: read the comments attached to Kevin and Matt's posts. My favorite is this one, from Eric, who says:
I don't know where some of you are getting the idea that the X-Men are liberals.

Xavier's school is an exclusive private school. Liberals would put the mutant kids in public schools because it's more egalitarian.

The X-Men are not asking for affirmative action/preferential treatment for their favored minority group; merely that they be treated like other people.

Liberal X-men would be spending their time trying to understand the root causes of anti-mutant sentiment, blaming themselves, rather than fighting against their enemies.

In a liberal version of the first X-Men movie, the UN would have sent inspectors to the Statue of Liberty to successfully disarm Magneto without any violence, rather than having the X-Men attack unilaterally.

The same people who support restrictive laws on guns because guns are dangerous are obviously the same people who support restrictive laws on mutants because mutants are dangerous. The X-Men realize that, like a gun, a mutant power is bad when it is used for bad purposes, but good when it is used for good purposes.

Wolverine is hardly the posterboy for the anti-death penalty movement. And liberals think the EPA should be doing something about second-hand smoke from his cigar.
Actually, I think this all just goes to show that the X-Men are Jewish.
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