
Sunday, April 04, 2004

# Posted 6:00 AM by Patrick Belton  

SUNDAY TIMES UNREADABILITY WATCH: Once upon a time, the Sunday Times was something one might actually read to, say, find out something about arts, theatre, and literature. No longer.

Today, the Arts section leads with a multipage story about whether Conan O'Brian is moving to 11:30. We're glad that the arts in New York are in such sterling condition that the Times can, well, ignore them. And then, Theatre has a promising piece on Middle Eastern playwrights, which they then proceed to entirely botch:
Some of the women are ethnically Iranian, which means (essentially) that they are Indo-European, and speak Persian. Some are ethnically Arab, which means (essentially) that they are Semitic, and speak Arabic. Their religious roots vary: they are Christian, Muslim or Zoroastrian (a faith that advocates good thoughts and deeds)
And here we were (essentially) getting excited that some other website would start to take up some of the traffic for "Iranian sex change pics."
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