
Monday, April 29, 2002

# Posted 10:25 AM by Dan  

BUSH THE SQUEEZER. When I looked at the headline for a New York Times article about college loans entitled "Bush Seeking to Squeeze School Loan Program," Bernard Goldberg's book "Bias" immediately came to mind. Then I read the article. I hate sounding like a liberal hack. But....Mitch Daniels' spokeman admitted that the proposal ended a program which has allowed college and university students to consolidate their student loans at a fixed rate with up to 30 years to pay them back. Instead, consolidated loans would only be offered at variable rates. Okay, I understand the logic here, the government was losing money on the program. Then the kicker--the proposal was part of the administration's request to Congress for a $27 billion SUPPLEMENTAL spending bill, mostly for counterterrorism programs. $1.3 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to the $27 billion. Oh, and if Bush had slowed down or eased up on the tax cut, the program would probably still exist. I guess I'm a liberal hack.
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