
Sunday, April 28, 2002

# Posted 11:51 AM by Dan  

TOM FRIEDMAN, MAN WITHOUT A PLAN? As Josh mentions below, Friedman states, "America has to chart the way with a big idea." But what idea is that? Dennis Ross was more specific about three options for the future in his Washington Post column. I agree with Josh only partially about the goals of the second intifada--yes, elements within the Palestinian leadership and masses call for the elimination of Israel, and Arafat himself would probably like to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean. But I also feel that the intifada is a way for Arafat to deflect criticism and project it onto Israel. Marwan had argued that Palestinian attacks should be limited to areas in which Israel occupied Palestinian land (i.e. the West Bank and Gaza, not Israel proper). Ross' third option, unilateral separation and the uprooting of isolated settlements, will spare Israeli lives. It will also give Israel far more justification in its responses to attacks inside of its sovereign boders.
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