
Tuesday, June 17, 2003

# Posted 12:42 AM by Patrick Belton  

IRANIAN QUESTION AND ANSWER: Come on, let's play a round....

Q: What did Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi tell reporters yesterday?
A: Alleging that the U.S. was behind the student protests in Tehran, and that Iran's students would never ever want to seek freedom on their own (to think such a thing!), spokesman Asefi told reporters, "Yesterday we lodged a protest with the Swiss Embassy here, which protects the U.S. interests in Iran. We have strongly protested U.S. interference" in the internal affairs of Iran, "and we reserve the right to pursue the matter through legal channels."

Q: What is the address of the headquarters of Iranian intelligence in Europe?
A: Third story, Godesberger Allee 133-137, Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany

Q: What are Iranian intelligence's other principal bases of operations in Germany?
A: Consulates in Frankfurt and Hamburg, and Imam Ali Mosque in Hamburg

Q: How many full-time operatives from Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security are based out of Godesberger Allee 133-137?
A: 20 full-time, with the rest of the 70 members of the embassy staff regularly used in their operations

Q: And what have the good employees of Godesberger Allee 133-137 done for us recently?
A: Murdered, at the Mykonos Restaurant in Berlin, three Kurdish dissidents and their translator, with the complicity of the highest levels of the Iranian government. A German court pronounced Iran and Iranian agent Kazem Darabi complicit on April 10, 1997.

Q: What is the number of front companies in Germany involved in procurement for Iranian intelligence of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons?
A: Approximately 100

Q: What other ways is Iranian intelligence currently intervening in the internal affairs of European states?
A: Besides hunting down dissidents abroad and acquiring technology associated with weapons of mass destruction: Iranian intelligence provides intensive support to Islamic extremist groups in Europe, using financial aid to influence targeted organizations and expand their operations in accordance with Iran’s interests, and placing Iranian-controlled agents in key positions within those organizations.

Q: Moving away from Western Europe now, how many Iranian agents have infiltrated themselves into Bosnian Muslim political and social circles, and into the US program to train Bosnia’s army?

A: More than 200.

Q: Has Iran also intervened in the affairs of countries within the Western Hemisphere?
A: Yes. In March 1992, 28 people were killed and 220 injured in an Iranian-backed bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires. In July 1994, 86 people were killed in an Iranian-backed explosion which destroyed the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association and the Delegation of Argentine Jewish Associations. According to a high-level defector from Iranian intelligence in the custody of the German government, President Carlos Menem of Argentina accepted a payment of $10 million from the government of Iran to keep Iranian complicity secret; Menem himself had received campaign support from Iranian intelligence back to his tenure as governor of La Rioja province, when Iranian agents decided reports of his anti-semitism made him a promising ally for Iran’s interests.

Q: What do the Hadith have to say about hypocrisy?
A: From the Bukhari, Hypocrisy in Deeds:

"The Prophet said, "Whoever has the following four characteristics will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up.

1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays.

2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.

3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous.

4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner"

Q: So you're saying, the Islamic Republic of Iran is exceptionally hypocritical, and really not very Islamic at all?
A: Exactly.
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