
Thursday, June 12, 2003

# Posted 8:51 PM by Ariel David Adesnik  

SYMBOLIC HOMOSEXUALS IN THE MILITARY: While we're talking about sex, why not take a look at this Michael Gordon dispatch about the Spartan Brigade, officially known as the Second Brigade of the Third Infantry Division in the US Army.

How ironic is that? Imagine if a literary society that excluded homosexuals called itself the Oscar Wilde Club. It just wouldn't work. So how, then, can the Second Brigade model itself on the Spartans?

(Bad joke interlude: What's the Greek army's motto? Never leave your buddies' behind.)

At least Canada is starting to figure that homosexuals are human beings, too. Thanks to a recent ruling by an Ontario appeals court, gay Canadians can now get married.

Just so you know that OxBlog has an open mind about the gay marriage issue, we will make sure to report all evidence that traditional Canadian families are falling apart as a result of gay marriages. We will not, however, report any instances of "man on dog". Leave that to the Senate.

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