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Monday, August 30, 2004
# Posted 1:52 PM by Ariel David Adesnik Koch wants to know exactly what a blogger is. Captain Ed says it's a freelance writers who posts his thoughts on a webpage. Koch asks if he counts as a blogger because he sends out an e-mail commentary every week that goes to thousands of people. John from Power Line says 'No'. The next question is about Koch's question to endorse Bush, early and unequivocally. Koch says he doesn’t agree with Bush on any of the domestic issues, but the Democrats just don’t have the stomach to fight the war on terror. Koch then says that he invented the phrase “The Bush Doctrine”. He defines it as a willingness to stand up to terrorists. Koch then adds that most Democrats are moderates. He says that there are far more Democrats like him then there are like Howard Dean or Ted Kennedy. Next, Koch complains about Kerry's flip-flop on the war. "Which John Kerry do you believe?" The one who voted to authorize the war and defends that decision now, or the one who apologized to the Deanics for his vote? While talking about flip-flops, Koch also lashes out at Kerry's "hypocrsisy" on gay marriage. Bobby Eberle asks what Koch thinks of Kerry's "sensitive" War on Terror? Koch says that Cheney was right, that the concept is ridiculous. Not all Muslims want to kill us, but hundreds of millions do. Now, I wasn't going to interrupt everyone, but the fact is that Bush has often described his own efforts to have a sensitive foreign policy in the Middle East, so Cheney's attack, Koch's answer, and Bobby's question are all unfair. Kevin wants to know whether Koch thinks voters will forget about terrorism and not vote for Bush because there hasn't been an attack since 9/11. Koch says no way, people are smart, they don't forget. I agree. But Roger says the amnesia set in three months after 9/11. Finally, my question. I love to hear myself talk. I told Koch I wanted to give him a compliment and ask him an easy question. I said I'm writing my dissertation on US-Central American relations and I want to compliment him on all of the excellent work he did on behalf of human rights in Nicaragua in the 1970s. That was a secret swipe at my colleagues here for being a little too uncritical. Koch's attacks on the Somoza dictatorship drove its supporters in Congress (including some prominent Democrats) completely mad. Next, I asked Koch which bloggers he reads most often and why. He said he doesn't have a lot of time and doesn't read a lot of blogs. (I guessed as much. I was setting him up.) But when he does have time, Andrew Sullivan is his man, because he works so hard. Except in August, I said. (0) opinions -- Add your opinion
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