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Thursday, October 21, 2004
# Posted 1:57 AM by Ariel David Adesnik (UPDATE: Dan beat me to it.) But consider this: The WaPo tracking poll has given Bush the lead quite consistently. But the latest polls from the states indicate that Kerry may be on the rise. RCP has Bush ahead 227-206, with the rest of the votes being a toss-up. Electoral-Vote.com has Kerry ahead 291-247. The big change, of course, is in Florida, where Kerry has pulled ahead in two of the last three polls. Kerry is also doing very well in Ohio, a state that once favored Bush. Relying on his gut, Kevin Drum says Bush will win Florida and Kerry will take Ohio and Wisconsin, which means Kerry will be the next President. And the popular vote? Kevin doesn't say. UPDATE: Matt Glassman has some very imaginative thoughts about what might happen if there were a tie in the electoral college. (0) opinions -- Add your opinion
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