
Monday, January 23, 2006

# Posted 5:17 AM by Patrick Belton  

OBSERVATIONS ON CRASHING IN THE GERMAN COLONY, S.W. JERUSALEM, PART 1 OF A SERIES: When you really come down to it, most things in life seem to be dairy.
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There *are* a few meat restaurants on Emek Refaim - have you tried Norman's yet? (Personally not my favorite - I prefer the dairy restaurants myself, esp. Caffit of course, the place to be on Friday morning).
Ha ha, you're awfully kind, Rebecca - I'll try luring my former student out to Norman's tonight and report back. I was actually thinking of the meaty/milky disposition of kitchenware in the flat in which I'm crashing, a logistical problem which comes fairly new to me!
Forget about Norman's it's a has been. Go to Joy's across the street from Norman's for real good food. If you are interested in a more casual meal, try Burger's Bar on Emek Refaim towards the center of town, a little bit down from Joy's.
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