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Monday, February 27, 2006
# Posted 7:48 PM by Ariel David Adesnik Peter King: B+. He's on the wrong side of the port issue, but his arguments have been getting more reasonable as the week goes along.Even though this whole brouhaha about the ports has demonstrated for the second time in two weeks how a non-story can dominate the Washington agenda, I think there has been a surprising degree of moderation on both sides after the initial fisticuffs. I think this explains why it looks like we're headed for a reasonable compromise on the issue. And now for the hosts: Tim Russert: B-. Russert cross-examined John Warner, who was for the ports deal and threw softball after softball at Peter King, who's against it. It really seemed like Russert had bought into the hysteria. But since I don't know for sure, I won't go lower than a B-.See ya next week. (5) opinions -- Add your opinion
Although not included in your grading scheme, I truly think Chris Matthews has lost it. It's almost torture to watch him. Maybe he should just interview himself.
FYI, Ron, I still haven't given out a full 'A'. But there have been a handful of grades in the 'C' range. In general, I enjoy the Sunday morning shows.
I'm wondering if you'd agree that Fareed Zakharia was kind of weird on his historical analogies regarding Iraq?
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