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Monday, May 01, 2006
# Posted 10:44 PM by Ariel David Adesnik Anyhow, here's who was on the shows: Condi was the headliner on both ABC and CBS. On ABC she was followed by Chuck Schumer and oil rep/retired Sen. Ben Johnston. On CBS, she was followed by Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Maria Cantwell. NBC featured a five-man hour long panel on oil prices, with Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman, Dick Durbin, oil rep Red Cavaney, MSNBC man Jim Cramer and author Daniel Yergin. Here are the grades: Sam Bodman: B-. Not ready for prime time.And now for the hosts: Russert: B-. The panel was a good idea but his questions were terrible. Yes, there were some nice 'gotchas'. But Russert should've been forcing the pols on his show (especially Durbin) to answer some real questions about economics.See you next week, if I can stand the pain. (4) opinions -- Add your opinion
Your grades for Durbin, Cantwell and Schumer are wrong. These people are supposed to be leaders, which sometimes means actually explaining difficult truths to the electorate. By not only failing to do so but also actively encouraging ignorance and anger, they should all be given F's.
J. (John) Bennett Johnston was a Democratic Senator from Louisiana (1972-1997). Perhaps I was wrong to call him Ben?
For Johnston's bio, see: here.
Also, I understand the concerns about giving out too many high grades.
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I put a lot of emphasis on performance rather than substance since I don't want the grades to be primarily a measure of how much I agree with a given guest. Roughly speaking, my goal is to put up grades with which a Democrat is just as likely to agree as a Republican.