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Monday, May 08, 2006
# Posted 9:34 PM by Ariel David Adesnik Pelosi: C. Russert kept her on the defensive. When she sought to dodge, evade and spin, it came off as a transparent effort to dodge, evade and spin. Interestingly, she didn't say anything very liberal.And now for the hosts: Russert: A. He just landed one shot after another with no effective response from Pelosi.And don't forget to check out Mark Kilmer's round-up over at Red State! (3) opinions -- Add your opinion
I would have about as hard a time listening to anything Saxby says objectively as you would John Kerry, so I'd rate him a letter or two lower.
Delay was his normal bitter hateful self. It's funny to hear him talk about the great medicare drug thing as a great conservative achievement. It would seem that his post candidate status would liberate him from having to talk up a vote buying scheme like that. But did you notice how Stephanopolous kept saying "Speaker Pelosi"? It was weird. I think he did it three times. Seems like fodder for Oxblog's media criticism...
I have to agree with Stress about Stephanopolous and "Speaker Pelosi" as well as his thoughts on Saxby...alas, he does represent me...
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Dean made his *first* good statement in my opinion when asked about Congressman Jefferson, Dean said that he too should resign before he is indicted. Good to see that he at least doesn't spare his rhetoric based on party affiliation. I agree that Pelosi could have actually done a mediocre job on MTP and improved her performance. Visibly shaking the whole time with anger. And her mascara was messed up on national tv!