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Friday, August 18, 2006
# Posted 3:02 PM by Ariel David Adesnik Yes, Bill Clinton was president for eight years. But for six of those years Congress was controlled by hard-line right-wingers. Moreover, in practice Mr. Clinton governed well to the right of both Eisenhower and Nixon.Come to think of it, Eisenhower and Nixon may not be to happy to hear it either. (3) opinions -- Add your opinion
Not to worry. Few sentient humans have believed Harvard professors (ex) since McG Bundy told us during Vietnam that light existed at the tunnel's end or we are progressing or some other nonsense. Dinna worrit!
It's a good thing that Paul Krugman is a professor at Princeton University, as quite a few sentient humans take what he has to say quite seriously. You should check the wiki before writely something so lame.
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