
Monday, August 28, 2006

# Posted 11:07 PM by Ariel David Adesnik  

IRAN: A TEST OF EUROPEAN RESOLVE. Suzanne Nossel explains. Suzanne also observes that:
In order to enjoy [sufficient] leverage [at the UN] it's essential that the US never renounce unilateral action, or suggest that - when fundamental US or global security matters are at stake - we will act only when external support can be mustered. We've learned in Iraq that, as a practical matter, acting alone is brutally difficult. But having the ability to do so is often essential to enlisting others to support us.
That's some pretty unexpected analysis from a staunch Democrat. Then again, Suzanne probably wouldn't stand a chance of winning any primaries in Connecticut.
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That's kind of dumb. What you are implying in as many words is that Democrats are in favor of giving the UN a veto and that Nossel is the exception that proves the rule.

Really. You can do better than that.
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