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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
# Posted 4:49 PM by Patrick Belton Just for the record, might I point out to the New York Times that the 'unidentified male voice' it quoted in this week's Prime Minister's Questions is in fact that of the Conservative leader, who, as the New York Times will learn if it watches more of them, often speaks in these sorts of things. The New York Times's research budget in foreign affairs really has been cut something awful in recent years.... (4) opinions -- Add your opinion
Welcome back!!!! Finally, OxBlog has serious potential to return to its peak (pre-2004) form. Now if only Josh decides to make a cameo every now and then....
Hmmm ... Perhaps as a warmup, Mr. Belton will weigh in on today's Federal Court ruling about the NSA warrantless surveillance program. It's more of a constitutional rather than an international relations issue, but what the heck.
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