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Monday, September 18, 2006
# Posted 8:11 PM by Ariel David Adesnik Allen: B-. Knows his talking points. Still insists "macaca" was something he made up on the spot.Finally, much praise goes to George Stephanopoulos, who was at least as tough on John McCain as he was on Steve Hadley. When a Republican goes against his party and takes a position approved by the media, he can usually expect softballs. As a McCain supporter, I don't want my man getting complacement. The media will get a lot rougher during campaign season. (7) opinions -- Add your opinion
Since you are a McCain supporter, maybe you can answer why it is better to seek to be loved by the rest of the world rather than protect your loved ones. That is McCain's position and it will certainly seal his doom in the Republican primaries.
I'm no McCain supporter, but what the hell are you talking about? How exactly does torture "protect our loved ones?"
DA is now an ex-professed Democrat.
OxBlog readers probably know that I was almost at the point of departure throughout the 2004 campaign. Looking forward to 2008, I realized I already knew who I thought America needed as president: John McCain. I'm on his side.
So all the trying to help the Dems regain their national security druthers, the Pete Beinart pose, that stuff is all out? And is it just foreign policy, or are you leaning conservative now on domestic policy, taxes ect? Do you consider yourself a Democrat who supports McCain, or a Repblican or an independent?
1) None of our enemies pay the slightest bit of attention to the Geneva Convention and are never sanctioned for violations. As anyone from Vietnam ever been convicted of violating the Geneva conventions?
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2) The Muslim brotherhood and it's offshoots Hamas and Al Quaida will not respect us for observing the Geneva Conventions. Neither will socialist Europe, China or anyone else. Merely by being a powerful capitalist democracy, we are Satan to everyone. 3) There has been an obvious attempt to define toture downwards to the benefit of our enemies. Torture is that which causes permanent physical harm. Anything else is not. 4) The Muslim brotherhood and it's allies will defeat us in the long run because we are too spineless to fight. We will go to our graves turning the other cheek, respected by no one.