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Monday, October 02, 2006
# Posted 8:44 PM by Ariel David Adesnik My victory in Pennsylvania will help protect you and your family from the radical left seeking to seize control of the United States Senate. [emphasis in original]I certainly dislike the radical left, but I don't find them very scary. It's the wishy-washy liberals who are actually threatening to take over the Senate, and they don't present much of a threat to my family. [My opponents are] rabidly supporting a Democrat who says he opposes abortion -- the radical left's most sacred cow. Why would they stoop to such hypocritical measures?I don't know. Probably for the same reason that the White House and the RNC supported Linc Chafee in the Rhode Island primary. You probably remember well when Bill Clinton and the Democrats passed the largest single tax increase in our nation's history in 1993, $293 billion.I still have nightmares about the Great Depression of '93. The bread lines grew longer every day. I wore out the soles of my shoes, walking up and down the length of Manhattan looking for an honest day's work. Wait a second. That was 1893. What the ***** is Santorum talking about? The '90s were great. Moving on, Fiscal restraint or winning the war on terror simply aren't on [the Democrats'] agenda.That's pretty close to red-baiting, but I may have to give Santorum a pass since even Kevin Drum thinks his party may be AWOL on national security. But then Santorum turns it up a notch by saying that the Democrats are interested in "appeasing terrorists". As if Ted Kennedy wanted to sign a peace treaty with Osama bin Laden. Anyhow, the Santorum campaign shouldn't expect a check from this household. That's not the kind of conservatism I can support. (10) opinions -- Add your opinion
Well it's certainly nice to hear from someone else who doesn't react to the rantings of our extreme right by pulling their hair out and screaming hysterically. A refreshing change from what most bloggers post (right and left). I've had enough of the we're right, they're evil crowds. As for Mr. Santorum, as a resident of PA I know his record all too well. Votes 98% straight party line, rarely has an original thought. Of course, he cares more about being President one day, than he does about Pennsylvania. Thus, he needs to appeal to those outside PA's borders for help in our local election.
Little Rickie should talk to Alan Greenspan.
Republican Greenspan attributes the longest sustained economic growth in America's history during the Clinton's administration to Clinton's 1993 economic, package which included the tax increases Little Rickie is complaining about.
Give Ricky a history lesson also. President Reagan's 1982 tax increase was and is the largest tax increase EVER as a share of GDP.
I don't think any pol's fund- raising letters can survive real scutiny, so you are not being fair to Santorum. The best reason for anyone to vote against Santorum this year is his support last time for Arlen Specter.
dearieme: "But there are terrorists for whom Mr Kennedy has a soft spot, aren't there?"
Absolutely right. When he was President Mondale's National Security Advisor in the 1980s, Kennedy masterminded a plan to sell weapons - illegally - to Iran, which at the time was supporting the Lebanese Hezbollah militia in its attacks on US targets. Kennedy's "neat idea" was to use the revenue from these sales to support another Democrat-friendly terror group, the Nicaraguan Contras. Kennedy's oil interests meant he was also close to the Taliban - in fact, he welcomed a Taliban delegation to Texas when he was governor in the 1990s.
Typical Repuglican tactic - use fear to gain support. It's disgusting that they try but more disgusting that they have so many braindead sheople buying it. Congratulations on seeing through the manure.
No, there are no terrorists that Kennedy has a soft spot for. Just another GOP Talking Point to deflect from people taking notice of their corruption and greed. Ney DeLay Foley NIE Report on Iraq Woodward on Iraq Colin Powell on Iraq How many more do the braindead sheople who voted Repug in 2000 and 2004 need before they see the light? Does the president himself have to molest little boys or will they continue to get a pass even if that happens?! Do America a favor this year - vote Democratic. Protect our civil liberties and our rights as citizens of this country. Protect our reputation around the world by telling it loudly - we do not support the criminal in office nor any of this criminal friends.
The abortion comment is particularly offensive, as though Casey just adopted it for his election. Everyone in PA knows that the entire Casey family is devoutly Catholic; they have always been up front about opposing abortion. Whether or not you like that position, everyone should be offended by Little Rickie trying to paint Casey as being hypocritical. A person doesn't have to agree with his/her party about every issue. Rickie's just mad that a socially conservative Democrat goes over well in PA.
Senator Santorum is overlooking alot of recent history when describing the radical left. The current crop of Republicans in Congress have spent money like the sterotypical Democrat they help to define. So much for Santorum agruement to beware of the radical left. My suggestion to the good Senator is to look in the mirror, because he would have to say: " We have met the enemy and he is us." Eventually, all the that red ink is going to come back to haunt the United States when the country goes into recession, which it will sometime in the near future do. I can't understand how they let fiscal poicy get so out of wack and, yet, never talk about!
Danny L. McDaniel Lafayette, Indiana
Good points, Mr. Adesnik. Sen. Santorum is calling everyone radical, while he is quite right-wing himself! It is much easier to find a really conservative Democrat or Republican, than a really liberal Democrat or Republican.
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