
Monday, November 06, 2006

# Posted 10:05 PM by Ariel David Adesnik  

ELECTION-DAY MORNING SUNDAY ROUND-UP: NBC did a roundtable with all four campaign committee chairs: Schumer, Dole, Emmanuel and Reynolds. CBS had Joe Biden and Bill Frist. ABC had Dick Cheney and Howard Dean.
Schumer: B+. A consistent performer. He delivers the party line with more elan than most.

Dole: C-. Memo to Sen. Dole -- You cannot win by volume. You cannot shout down the other guests on the show. You cannot shout down the host. Adults at least pretend to listen to each other.

Emmanuel: B. The confidence of imminent victory makes you a better peformer. Although he occasionally strayed into hack territory.

Reynolds: B-. You've gotta give the man credit for coming on the show when he's in a pitched battle to save his own seat in the House. But the talking points now sound tired and worn.

Biden: B+. Thoughtful. Relatively non-partisan. Someone should've reminded him that there was an election the coming Tuesday.

Frist: B. Consider the grade a parting gift.

Cheney: D. You may as well have a conversation with a brick wall. It will listen more attentively and is more inclined to be flexible.
Look at those grades. High marks for the Democrats. Low and worse for the Republicans. And I'm one of them! What an embarrassment.
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Adults don't try to shout down the current speaker, David. Have another look at the tape and see who was interrupting whom.
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