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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
# Posted 5:48 AM by Taylor Owen And if Dobbsianism is winning when times are good, you can imagine how attractive it’s going to seem if we enter the serious recession that Larry Summers convincingly and terrifyingly forecasts in yesterday’s Financial Times. If the economy dips as seriously as that, the political climate could shift in ugly ways. Who said the NYT oped page is avoiding the blogosphere?...I say they are now, post wall take-down, starting to adopt some of its best elements...but that is another post... Labels: David Brooks, Lou Dobbs (6) opinions -- Add your opinion
It's great to talk about how well the U.S. economy is doing when you talk about averages. But when you look at wages for the typical working family, they haven't budged in 40 years -- for many they have gone down.
And about that high American birth rate Brooks takes comfort in, it only applies to our huge -- and growing -- legal and illegal Mexican population, which is low-skilled, uneducated, and shows no signs of getting less so. Free trade makes the American pie grow bigger, but shifts the shares from labor to capital, including the highly educated and intelligent, such as read and write this blog. You are living in a bubble. Wake up and be responsible.
Oh, and about all that technological progress, since when are all its fruits supposed to go to the privileged few? Those machines were dug up and built by working stiffs, who also grew the food that fed the scientists that thought them up. When do we get our share of the goodies?
BTW, did you know it can be shown that immigration from poor countries to rich countries invariable hurts the poor majorities in the poor countries, and therefore should be opposed on moral grounds. (Look at per capita GDP for Mexico for the last 60 years.)
Think about that while you are sipping your latte. I'm telling you, for your own good, you guys better wake up.
Oh, and lest you think I'm just an angry Yob with no constructive suggestions, check out the Born-Again Democrat platform.
Wake up, I say, wake up! Before it's too late. Think!
I agree with Luke.
The US government has established a private market for high-technology labor that excludes domestic workers. The US government has established intentionally a disorderly system of work law enforcement that harshly penalizes legal workers while rewarding illegal workers. The US government has taken sides in the market: it favors non-citizens. A nation-state cannot long survive open betrayal of its citizens.
Lou Dobbs, Mark Steyn and their sister in spirit Michelle Malkin have actually made great careers just by playing on people's fear of the unknown, unseen, unforeseen etc. It is interesting that since millions of immigrants came to America they did not really steal jobs from Americans. Why would unemployment rates drop then? Maybe they created more jobs instead!
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Reasonably paid and hard working skilled or unskilled workers are needed by American businesses, small or big. Despite the fear mongers, immigrants are valued, sheltered and employed by millions of Americans because, eventually, ''Business of America is business.''