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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
# Posted 3:56 PM by Ariel David Adesnik I spent a lot of time with Mr. Romney that year, and I occasionally served as his volunteer driver, taking him to local campaign events. The Mitt Romney I got to know was warm and likable. He had an electric intelligence. He was unfailingly decent. He was totally committed to his family. He treated everyone with respect and kindness.I guess the question is, who's responsible for Romney's campaign? Barnett doesn't avoid that question. His answer is Mitt Romney: Early in the presidential race, Mr. Romney perceived a tactical advantage in becoming the campaign’s social conservative...Although Barnett seems to be describing all of this as an unfortunate tactical error, I would argue that a failure to appreciate the importance of character and principle may compromise one's ability to serve as commander-in-chief. Now let me add on to that some pure speculation: Romney's ability to rapidly change his persona and values reflects his extraordinary success as a business executive. On that point, I'd be very interested in the observations of those of you who have had extensive experience in the private sector. My sense is that the private sector places such a high premium on achieving results in the next month or next year that it has little interest in whether a chief executive has consistent principles. But great presidents must always take a longer view. Much as I support McCain, I suspect that Romney would be a very competent administrator of the federal government. I also believe he would be fairly moderate and favor a good degree of bipartisanship. I'd certainly vote for him over any of the Democrats. Labels: Mitt Romney (1) opinions -- Add your opinion
I know Mitt Romney is vulnerable to charges that he has no principles, having morphed from a moderate Republican governor of a liberal Democratic state into... well, what kind of Republican do I need to be today? But as to his basic values, I have no doubt that he is a good family man as well as a responsible public servant. I first came into contact with significant numbers of Mormons while serving in the military, and with almost no exceptions found them to be completely trustworthy people. So despite their strange religious doctrine (and it is strange!) most Mormons have, I think, been exposed to if not fully inculcated in positive family values and a meaningful public service ethic. They are good citizens, by and large. Romney was a decent governor and would likely be a decent president, although he has close to zero chance of proving it, the Current Incumbent having pretty well trashed his party's chances this year.
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