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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
# Posted 6:03 PM by Ariel David Adesnik Except for the two black models. These two -- one man and woman -- seem to be married to each another (see page 112, for example). Perhaps they fell in love because of their shared passion for dressing up like WASPs (which I completely approve of, as a Brooks-loving semite myself.) But seriously, why are interracial relationships taboo in clothing catalogs? And by interracial, I mean a relationship involving one white person and one black person. (White and Asian is old news. White and Hispanic? No way to tell who's Hispanic.) I haven't done a scientific survey, but in a lifetime of flipping through LL Bean, Land's End and other catalogs, I feel like interracial couples are invisible. The same applies to television commercials, as well as mainstream television shows and films. Everyone is against racism, but we've all got a long way to go in being honest about interracial relationships. Cross-posted at Conventional Folly (1) opinions -- Add your opinion
Great info, really helpful for those starting to build a link profile. Highly appreciate your efforts in sharing this article.
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