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Thursday, December 31, 2009
# Posted 1:23 PM by Ariel David Adesnik The individual clearly responsible for this bad decision was Gen. Tommy Franks, the US commander of all forces in the region. Yet Peter Bergen, the story's author, seems less concerned with explaining Franks' flawed decision than with tantalizing hints that perhaps Bush and Rumsfeld's early interest in Iraq somehow led Franks' astray. The twist, however, is that exposing GOP hawks' incompetence in the past serves the purpose of scoring points against liberal doves in the present. Bergen writes, Bin Laden was clearly at Tora Bora, and sending so few troops was indeed a major failure. It’s a lesson that bears remembering today as the United States continues to pursue Islamist militants in both Afghanistan and Pakistan: In the hunt for members of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, there is simply no substitute for boots on the ground. Afghan proxies, Pakistani soldiers, drones--these are not unimportant tools in the war on terrorism. But they are not effective substitutes for U.S. troops. If we want to kill bin Laden and Zawahiri--and other top Al Qaeda leaders--we are probably going to have to do it ourselves.So, next time a lefty protests' Obama's decision to escalate in Afghanistan, I will say, "Even the liberal New Republic..." Cross-posted at Conventional Folly (307) opinions -- Add your opinion
Afghanistan is the definition of mission creep, similiar to Vietnam. Vietistan would be an accurate description to what the world is watching in that country. Americans have a very short memory and no sense of history. However, the US can counduct a counter-insurgency operation forever in Afghanistan and never will anything.
We seem to have killed him in the bombing. Bin Laden for awhile was considered dead by Fox News. There's
a lot of entertaining analysis of the later "videotapes of Bin Laden". http://www.ronpaulwarroom.com/?p=2194 http://www.infowars.com/limbaugh-admits-the-obvious-osama-bin-laden-is-dead/ And the comments page for this guy's book are interesting: http://www.amazon.com/Osama-Bin-Laden-Dead-Alive/product-reviews/1566567831/ref=sr_1_1_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1
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